
NoWorriesApp offers a wide range of commercial services to Public & Private Sector organisations, Charities, National and International Agencies.

If you wish to better understand Happiness (or a relative absence of) and Happiness Trends in a particular population category, community, interest group, age group, gender set or consumer group, you should be speaking to us.

NoWorriesApp offers an outstanding research opportunity to those designing, implementing and measuring the impact of Policy Interventions, Marketing Initiatives and Investments. The foundations of NoWorriesApp are well researched, robustly tested and widely accepted academic theories including The Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change, Maslow and Nudge Theory amongst others.

The NoWorriesApp database and research tool set can provide genuine insight into the effectiveness of any type of intervention. Your investment is optimised because of the precise nature of the information NoWorriesApp is able to generate.

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Research services for Government & Public Sector bodies

The ideal way to create a successful Public Policy intervention – at optimal cost – is to fully understand the target population and be able to measure mood and happiness both before and after implementation. Good quality data derived from pilot studies can point to necessary Policy tweaks prior to a wider implementation.

Public Policy interventions that fail are wasteful, expensive and have reputational impact for those trying to improve the lives of a population. Given that NoWorriesApp is a self-help tool, a successful intervention can be economical if a population becomes more self-reliant and less dependent.

Ensuring the policy intervention is the correct one and is economically sensible is a critically important starting point.

NoWorriesApp seeks to help Public Sector agencies create low cost/high impact policy interventions which will positively change the lives of a community.

A research timetable for a project can be from just a few days to over several years during which measurements can regularly take place. For example, the regular measurement of mood and happiness of those awaiting a significant healthcare intervention can be critical to the management of that group.

Consultancies assisting Public Sector bodies to formulate policy interventions are invited to speak with us about data and information options.

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Education & Sports related services

Happiness has a massive role to play in personal and team performance. The entire NoWorriesApp executive team is firmly rooted in Commerce, Education and Sport.

An ability to effectively gauge the happiness and mood of a school or sporting cohort, and design interventions accordingly, can hugely impact on the performance of that group. NoWorriesApp works extensively with Schools and Sports teams with a view to improving performance through understanding happiness and the recognition, management and easing of worry.

NoWorriesApp are able to quickly design custom programmes to help school and sports’ team leaders better understand the happiness dynamic.

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Healthcare & Corporate services

The deployment of the NoWorriesApp app to a particular audience(s) enables Healthcare companies, and the wider corporate community, to engage with groups for HR, product development, product testing and satisfaction related applications.

NoWorriesApp offers the Pharmaceutical community the opportunity to test the impact of a new or trial therapy on the happiness of a cohort over short to longer periods of time. This type of information is also valuable to private health providers seeking to develop policy options.

The list of options and opportunities is long. Whatever your desired outcome in terms of the measurement of mood and happiness, the NoWorriesApp team will be happy to assist.

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Army, Navy & Air Force services

A positive mood and happiness are important in all populations but nowhere more so than in a military environment. A military exercise or real-life operation’s success can hinge upon the level of positive mood and happiness in an active service unit, or multiple units, across one or more theatres.

Military personnel frequently have to dig very deep to build up and maintain a positive and determined mindset. Leaders need to be aware of emerging issues. The ability to dynamically measure and track mood enables the design and implementation of interventions to more swiftly address issues as they arise.

Interventions may be formulated for small or larger groups. The use of sound and up to date data can yield mission critical information, which is quickly available and in a useable form, for in-theatre officers and HQ based staff groups.

The NoWorriesApp team, their consultants and advisers, include individuals with military experience and exposure across all three main Services. Key applications can include programmes prior to, during or post deployment. NoWorriesApp can quickly design custom programmes to help leaders better understand the mood dynamic.

Consultancies, Companies and Policy Makers assisting recognised military organisations and allied interests are invited to speak to us about data and information generation options.

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Blue Light services

Routinely handling hostile, violent and dangerous situations can have a significant impact on all of the professionals operating in this field. A positive, focused and balanced mindset is a key dimension to the professional toolbox in this environment.

For managers and policy makers in this domain, it is vital to be aware of the mood of the professionals who are there to serve the safety and wellbeing of the public. Roles in the Sector are frequently stressful and emotionally debilitating, because of the very nature of the work and the situations encountered.

The ability to dynamically measure and track mood enables the design and implementation of interventions by policy makers to more swiftly address issues as they arise. Interventions may quickly be formulated for small or larger groups. The use of sound and up to date data can yield vital information, which is quickly available and in a useable form, to measure existing and new initiative effectiveness.

The NoWorriesApp team, their consultants and advisers, include individuals with particularly relevant Sector experience. Key applications can include programmes prior to, during or post duty periods. NoWorriesApp can help to inform the design of customised programmes to help leaders better understand the mood dynamic.

Consultancies, Companies and Policy Makers, assisting recognised Emergency Services organisations and allied interests, are invited to speak to us about data and information generation options.

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