Australian Gen Z. ‘’My worry. Starting a new school and making new friends. I feel like I am really shy and don’t really fit in with other girls. I want to become more confident. It makes me feel lonely and shy. I used the app and decided ‘stop worrying about what people say and just being more confident’. I feel happier and wanting to go to school.’’
Gen Z, elite sports performer. “I am worried that because I am missing the rest of the sessions that I am going to completely mess up the routine at the final competition. I feel very, very stressed. I think I am worse than I am and it lowers my self-esteem even more than usual.’’ Decision – ‘’I will think of the good things like accepting the medals surrounded by my friends and the sound of applauding after.I would be happier.’’
British Gen Z. ‘’My worry is about making people proud. I didn’t in the past and worry this will happen again. I go quiet. I feel upset.’’ My decision – ‘’Stop being concerned with what others think. Be in a more positive mind-set. When it happens again, I enter my positive mind-set.’’
British Millennial male. Worry – ‘’Not being able to work due to an injury. Feeling down and useless at times and I think a lot and become quiet.’’ Decision – ‘’Reassure myself that this injury will not last forever and when healed will return to work. Thinking more positively helps me by reducing worries and concerns. I need to remind myself to relax and reassure myself I am doing what I can to heal as quickly and return to work.’’
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