Making happiness easier

“Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think”  Buddha

NoWorriesApp is a self-help commitment device to help you choose how to manage a worry habit and put you more in control of your happiness; it’s an easy and effective way to recognise, manage and ease a worry to feel happier and improve performance.


NoWorriesApp has an innovative Happiness Tracker so you can check-in on your progression towards a new more positive thinking habit and a Worry Hack that nudges you to make a small change to manage an everyday worry.

The Worry Log stores up to 6 worries, to remind you of your small change decisions, teaching you how to cut and paste yourself forward to manage other new worries.


“I wanted to use my Olympic, educational and sports coaching experience working with young adults in schools and elite performers in the swimming pool, to develop an easy and effective hack to shut down negative thinking and improve independent decision making in pressurised situations to affect more positive outcomes; and then learn to transfer that learning to other situations. I’ve had some serious life challenges that I had to face by myself, but these are the experiences that make you, they’re the grit in the oyster.  The NoWorriesApp is the analytics of  my lived experience as a teacher and behaviour change practitioner, its imperfect like me, but I believe happiness is a teachable skill and decided to do something about it. ” 

“Imagine a world where we taught worry management and happiness in schools; imagine our communities.”

Caro, Co-founder NoWorriesApp


It’s unrealistic to feel completely happy all the time . . . some parts of your life will be going well . . . you’ll feel happy about these. Other parts of your life may be going less well . . . this is where your worry may hang out.

Worry can be a destructive force . . . holding onto a worry repeating it over and over can cause
you to feel unhappy and affect performance.

Track your happiness, then learn a quick and easy Worry Hack to recognise, manage and ease a worry to feel happier.


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Recognise, manage and ease worry . . . feel happier.

Smile Icon | NoWorriesApp


Give back. Help others . . . they feel happier too.

Smile Icon | NoWorriesApp


Join with us . . . improve the understanding of worry and happiness in our community and see how others manage their worry.

Welcome to NoWorriesApp.
Our values are Learn, Share, Community.
Learn to recognise, manage and ease a worry to feel happier.
Share how you did it with your friends, they can feel happier too.
Join our community, share your anonymized worries and what you did to manage them and learn new ideas from others.
You might even want to set up your own community.

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Track trends of worry by community, gender identity, age and location in your community and learn how to recognise, manage and easy worry within it to feel happier.

Learn how others recognise, manage and ease worry in our NoWorriesApp Global Community to feel happier and learn a few new things.

Community Analytics
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Global Dashboard


NoWorriesApp offers a wide range of commercial services to Public & Private Sector organisations, Charities, National and International Agencies in a wide range of sectors such as Education, Sport, Healthcare, Corporate, the Military and Emergency Services. If you wish to better understand Happiness and Worry trends you should be speaking to us.


Small is Beautiful

Behaviour Change is tough and takes perseverance.

Use the Worry Hack to make a very small change to recognise, manage and ease a worry.

The smaller the change the better; it’s more likely to be successful and make you feel good. When you feel good you’ll feel like you’ve achieved something and you’ll be motivated to do it again.

Track your happiness to gradually build a more positive thinking habit.

Academic Foundations | NoWorriesApp

“It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It is that they can’t see the problem.”

Gilbert K Chesterton